Saturday, September 17, 2011


I love finding good deals and bargain hunting, but I rarely use coupons.  I always thought that it was more of a hassle since we don't get the Sunday newspaper.  Btw, we were thinking of getting the Sunday newspaper for the coupons, but the ones we saw at Safeway didn't have any - were they pilfered or do we need a subscription to get the coupons?

I don't think I'll ever be an extreme couponer, but I was inspired after getting the Whole Foods Living Social deal for free and reading all these couponing blogs.  All the blogs really opened my eyes.  I had no idea that I could get coupons online and I found out about stacking coupons.  After searching and printing a whole bunch of coupons, we headed off to Whole Foods! 

My most exciting purchase was DeBoles penne pasta.  It was on sale for 3/$5.  I used the Whole Foods $1 off coupon and stacked a $1 off manufacturer's coupon.  I ended up making 33 cents!

My miss of the day was Brown Cow yogurt.  I decided not to print out the manufacturing coupons (2x 50 cent off 3 yogurt cups) because I thought Whole Foods would be much more expensive than Safeway, where we had found it for 69 cents each.  When we got to Whole Foods, we saw that Brown Cow was 10/$5, and there was a $1 off 5 Whole Foods coupon.  If I had printed out the coupons, I would've ended up paying only $1 for 6 yogurt cups!  Oh wells - rookie mistake.

We ended up only spending $16 at Whole Foods and used $9 in coupons + $20 Living Social deal.  Not bad for a newbie!

Friday, September 16, 2011


This was supposed to be a blog about my adventures in gardening, but I realized that as much as I enjoy it,  I'm a pretty mediocre gardener.  So, I decided just to write about my boring, everyday life and hope this will help me remember my life as I grow old.  Maybe one day I'll look back and pinpoint the exact day I turned into my mother!