Monday, February 17, 2014

Hello Kitty Crayons

Even though Simone's birthday isn't until April, I've been thinking about different ideas for themes, party favors, and decorations.  This weekend I made Hello Kitty crayons!  I followed the tutorial here and it was quick and easy.  I found a Hello Kitty mold on Amazon and used leftover party favor crayons from Logan's birthday last year, which were only 25 cents/box!

First, I broke the crayons into smaller pieces and mixed up the colors

I didn't really time how long it took to melt, but according to the tutorial, it should be 25mins.  I just waited for the crayons to harden before popping them out of the mold.

 They came out okay, but I think I mixed up the colors a bit too much.  Next time I'll stick with the same color family.  These took 4 crayons/mold.  If I make more, I'll look for smaller molds.

Friday, February 7, 2014

February Goals

Hmmm, I got to cross a couple of things off of my January list.  I realized that I need to be more specific in my goals so I won't end up rationalizing everything away. 

January Goals


  • Continue to read Meaning of Marriage with Fred - Sadly, no progress after I made this a goal.
  • Do 1 lesson a week with Logan - Somewhat a success, we've been working on counting to 100.
  • Read 1 story before bedtime with Simone - Sadly, did not work this into her bedtime routine.


  • Update resume - Done!
  • Apply for interesting jobs - Still looking.
  • Learn new skills - Add SW experience and learn about web design.  Nothing done here =(


  • Do one sewing project - Done!  I made a blanket for my nephew's 1st birthday!


  • Don't buy any more clothes for Logan and Simone - between Christmas presents and hand me downs, they have more than enough! - Success!  Didn't buy any new clothes for the kids last month! It was actually quite hard.  Cute baby/kids clothes are my greatest weakness.
  • Bring lunch to work at least 3x a week - Eh, definitely need to work on this.  I made it 2 - 3x a week.

February Goals


  • Read at least 1 chapter of Meaning of Marriage with Fred
  • Do 1 lesson a week with Logan - sight words, numbers, art, music, etc.
  • Read 1 story before bedtime with Simone - Started last night!


  • Look for interesting jobs and apply - At least spend 3x nights a week to look
  • Learn new SW skill - At least check out a book from the library

For Fun

  • Do one sewing project for Logan - pj pants?  bean bags?
  • Do one craft project for Simone - knitted blanket? hair clips?
  • Make 1 slow cooker/1 pot meal a week - Need recipes


  • Don't buy any more clothes for the kids
  • Bring lunch to work at least 3x a week