Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Do Something!

I'm almost a month late, but this year my resolution is to be a doer.  I have been trying to teach Logan the importance of trying/not giving up, so I'm taking it upon myself to actually "do what I say."  Instead of making resolutions for the whole year, I'm making goals for each month.  I figured I would have a better chance of actually keeping them if I only do a month at a time.  I'm going to track my progress here for more accountability and who knows, maybe I'll become more organized!

January Goals
  • Continue to read Meaning of Marriage with Fred - Pretty good progress, we spent 2 nights reading the book together
  • Do 1 lesson a week with Logan - sight words, numbers, art, music, etc.
  • Read 1 story before bedtime with Simone - I haven't made this part of Simone's bedtime routine, but now is a good time to start!
  • Update resume - Done!
  • Apply for interesting jobs - I like my job and coworkers, but I'm always wondering what else is out there.  If I'm still at my current job at the end of the year, at least I'll have a better idea of what I do/don't want to do.
  • Learn new skills - Add SW experience and learn about web design
  • Do one sewing project - Done!  I made a blanket for my nephew's 1st birthday!
  • Don't buy any more clothes for Logan and Simone - between Christmas presents and hand me downs, they have more than enough!
  • Bring lunch to work at least 3x a week

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