Friday, January 3, 2014

Getting My Craft On!

So I haven't blogged in years and Fred is probably the only one that is even aware of this blog. 2 kids later, my garden is pretty much dead and I haven't been couponing, but I have actually been getting crafty!  I'm hoping to use this blog to record all of the things I've made and track how I'm improving (wishful thinking?!).  I spent December making Christmas gifts for Logan and Simone and decorating the house.  Now, I just need to dig up the pictures so I have proof!

The big Christmas gifts were new cuddles - Thomas for Logan and Hello Kitty for Simone (more for myself since I love Hello Kitty and Simone is still a baby)

This was my first time sewing blankets and using the minky fabric.  I don't think they look too shabby and they were quite simple!  

Pin 2 rectangles of the same size, wrong sides together
Sew 1/2 inch seam, leave a 3-4 inch hole
Turn inside out
Sew 1/4 inch seam all around for the border and to close the hole


  1. you told me about this blog too. So impressed by the crafting, awesome job :) Um, can you give me sewing lessons sometime?
